Global Doctorate of Business Administration
Become a recognised thought leader for addressing the theory practice gap.
Join a unique global DBA degree offered by a triple accredited school.
Study in France and get a unique learning experience spanning 3 continents.
World leading research training visits in MIT Sloan and Tokyo Tech.

BSB G-DBA Presentation
The BSB Global Doctorate in Business Administration (G-DBA) is a Doctoral level, research-based degree, internationally accredited by AACSB; EQUIS and AMBA, designed to contribute to the enhancement of multi- and inter-disciplinary management practice.
As a Doctoral degree programme – level 8 in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), it also contributes to the production of new “mode-2” knowledge via the application and development of theoretical frameworks, methods, and techniques to real world settings.
The BSB G-DBA programme emphasizes the novel application of theory, rather than the creation of theory for its own sake. It adheres to European best practice (see, EDAMBA and EQUAL Guidelines) as well as the Doctoral programme standards of the world leading accreditation bodies (for example, EQUIS).

Training visits
A unique learning experience spanning 3 Continents.
A few words from our DBA students

Training aims
Personal benefits
BSB's G-DBA enables candidates to realise their professional aspirations by helping them to bridge the theory practice gap.
Scientific rigor
Design a rigorous research project.
Multiple career path
Terminal degree
Most DBA programs are delivered part-time in 3 to 5 years, where the candidate is expected to complete a DBA thesis by research alongside full-time work and other commitments.
Teaching in France
Responsible Innovation and Technology Management
Axis Digital Leadership
Economics of Substainable Development
Axis Wine & Spirits
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Teaching in Japan and France
Governance of Sustainable Ecosystems
Designing the Hydrogen Ecosystem for Toyota
From Theory to Practice
This module is a rolling module that it starts in module 1 in Lyon and ends in module 5
Teaching in USA
Advanced topics on analysis of longitudinal data
Complete writing up of the thesis & subsequent examination (viva voce), final corrections of the DBA Thesis and graduation in years 4 to 7 – additional study years are granted based on the annual progress reviews and in consultation with the supervisory teams.
Why apply for the BSB's DBA ?
Most DBA programs are delivered part-time in 3 to 5 years, where the candidate is expected to complete a DBA thesis by research alongside full-time work and other commitments.
Triple accredited degree
Awarded by BSB, which enjoys the triple crown of international accreditations from AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA – only 120 business schools, out of more than 15,000 schools worldwide are distinguished as "triple accredited".
Global High Level Training and Reach
The programme will address major societal challenges via dedicated workshops, visits, and collaborative research training provision with world leading institutions in Japan – Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the USA – MIT Sloan School of Management.

Discover the French Culture
The programme will leverage
the multi-campus architecture of BSB with its three campuses in Lyon, Dijon (including Beaune) and Paris. In the first year of study, you will have the opportunity to learn from and supervised by faculty on all three campuses.
Download the brochure
For more information, including prices, detailed programme and full teaching team, please download our brochure.

BSB learning approach
Selective intake of 12 to 15 G-DBA candidates to facilitate a high degree of peer-to-peer interactions and learning within cohorts.
The guiding principles for selection are inclusion and diversity of thought leaders in the selected areas of research interest. Hybrid learning with 6 face to face focused workshops in three Continents alongside individual study and online support for each G-DBA candidate throughout the programme to successful completion.
The key to successful completion is very high faculty support to DBA candidates including the appointment of a supervisory team for each G-DBA candidate in year 1.
The programme design enables candidates to start writing parts of the DBA thesis, such as the literature review and conceptual and methodological frameworks from year 1. Supervision and technology-enhanced online tutoring throughout the programme from dedicated supervisory teams, including core faculty and experts to support your research journey throughout the programme.
A strong expertise based on BSB faculty
Let's hear from 3 of our core faculty professors who supervise the DBA. All our professors :
Have an HDR - Higher Doctorate with formal qualification to supervise research projects and doctoral students
Are confirmed researchers
Have significant academic experience including doctoral level education

Dimitris Assimakopoulos
BSB G-DBA Director
EDAMBA President
(European Doctoral Association in Management & Business Administration)